Sabtu, 19 Jun 2010


Saya yakin batas dan sempadan antara pelbagai kaum di Malaya akan sirna pada suatu hari nanti. Akhirnya masing-masing menjalani kehidupan yang sama dan menjadi anggota satu keluarga. Kita harus mempunyai perspektif dan wawasan sedemikian, dan berganding bahu berpadu tenaga untuk merealisasikan matlamat tersebut.

Saya percaya teman-teman Melayu saya yang berfikiran terbuka akan akur dengan pandangan saya ini.


Khamis, 17 Jun 2010

Japan’s debt is too big to manage.

Kan’s Megaproblem
Japan’s debt is too big to manage.

Japan’s former finance minister, Naoto Kan, has become the nation’s fifth prime minister in just four years—and the predictable cycle of high expectations followed by mild cynicism has begun anew. How long he will remain in office is anyone’s guess, but one thing is certain: trying to solve government finances could be for this premier the same kind of career killer that the Futenma base-relocation issue was for the last one.

The inescapable math of an aging society that has been promised huge retirement and welfare benefits, which are not fully covered by taxes, could make Kan’s tenure a true test of government and party leadership. Japan’s gross debt-to-GDP ratio is second only to Zimbabwe, at almost 200 percent.


Rabu, 9 Jun 2010

Tips To Be`Succesful In Many Things

Remember to always encourage yourself for every effort you have made to better your performances.
§ Have faith & believe in yourself that you can achieve whatever you set your mind on.
§ Do not be discouraged by failure, immediately start working on your weak areas
§ Have a positive attitude towards your goal & be responsible for whatever you undertake
§ We become what our attitudes are. So change your attitude.

Jumaat, 4 Jun 2010

Puasa dijangka 11 Ogos, Aidilfitri 10 Sept.

Umat Islam di negara ini dijangka mula berpuasa pada Rabu, 11 Ogos ini manakala Hari Raya Aidilfitri disambut pada Jumaat 10 September.

Penyelaras Unit Penyelidikan Ilmu Falak dan Sains Atmosfera Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Prof. Madya Nasirun Mohd. Salleh berkata, jika tarikhnya begitu, umat Islam akan berpuasa selama 30 hari.

Bagaimanapun, beliau menegaskan tarikh sebenar puasa dan Hari Raya Aidilfitri tertakluk sepenuhnya kepada perisytiharan Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja kelak.

Menurutnya, pada 29 Syaaban 1431H bersamaan 10 Ogos, kedudukan bulan memenuhi kriteria Imkanur-rukyah (kebolehnampakkan) iaitu umur bulan lebih lapan jam kerana ijtimak berlaku.

"Dengan kedudukan bulan memenuhi kriteria Imkanur-rukyah, maka 1 Ramadan 1431 Hijrah jatuh pada Rabu 11 Ogos 2010,''

Selasa, 1 Jun 2010

Canadian Motivational Speaker - George Torok

Success breeds success.

Successful people associate with successful people.

Successful people learn from successful people.


George Torok Web